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  • Foto do escritorDanilo Ramalho


On November, 21st, 2017 the GRU GUIDE 100 Spots was launched. Corroborating with its main objective of valorizing the guarulhenses identities, the Padre Bento Theater was chosen to host the ceremony. Besides the Theater where the indicative plates were given to the sponsors and supporters, the ancient Baquetes Saloon was used to the cocktail. Many years ago this was the space used by the interns on big events celebrations at the ancient theater and casino.

With the Theater team collaboration there was a big mobilization to the space´s preparation and adequacy to the cocktail´s realization.

Since it was restored, the Nobel Saloon was only used for small dance and theater workshops. With the cleaning and collaboration from the community it was transformed to receive the guests with the same hospitality of its golden times.

More than 120 guests could revive the scenic and architectural beauty of one of the main cultural spaces in town. Four reputed chefs were invited and presented a local gastronomy tasting. They were: Chef Neguinha (Nelius Grill) , Chef Nelio Ongaratto (Ponto Ka), Chef Bianca Volpon (Ung), Chef Antonio Weinmann (O Quinto).

Besides the lighting and decoration to valorize the patrimony, there was a “chorinho” group and Miguel Machado presentation, Kristiano Oliveira and Chico Ceará playing Instrumental Jazz. All of them are from Guarulhos.

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